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DESCO JAPAN 株式会社 – 静電気制御関連製品の製造・販売

888-リストストラップ & シュー テスター

888 - リストストラップ & シュー テスター

Regular List Price List Price
発注数量: 1 ¥428,810


在庫数: 3



総重量2: 1.54 kg




The Wrist Strap and Shoe Tester 888 tests both wrist straps and footwear. Use of the external data port allows automatic recording of the test results to a computer or a server, providing real time data to a supervisor and virtually eliminating the need for manual recording.



  • Checks personnel wearing wrist straps and ESD footwear against preset resistance limits.
  • Actual measurement results are indicated on a LCD display, a set of LED lamps and a buzzer.
  • Tests single cord and dual cord wrist straps.
  • Test results are available on RS-232 or USB serial port for data logging.
  • Output signals of test results are available on the output jack to control external devices, such as the door of the clean room or an indicator lamp.
  • Multiple high and low resistance threshold limits available for user’s selection.
  • User can change the high and low limit default value via a set of push buttons on the device or via a host PC.
  • Current date and time can be displayed on LCD.
  • Testing date and time are automatically recorded when utilizing the Data Logging Software 888DLS.


Closeout items are subject to a 90-day warranty for materials and workmanship. No credit will be issued. DescoAsia to approve exchange for similar items.

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